
33 Movie Reviews

10 w/ Responses

Its funny....

and there is soooo little animation, though prolly working on this thing was just one giant lip synching project for the main character, and the obvious repeat mouth movement for the others.

Still funny, and Im glad that it is not another "Awesome" movie. Those movies lost their edge years ago

This series is a blunder

The animation in the movie is brilliant, no doubt about that. The art is good, classic whookos style, but the story....it's an atrocity! It isn't a zelda story, its just some anime story repackaged up, slapped with some zelda skins and thrown out into the general public.

Gotta love jonbro

lol you really really hate Dante lol

Emanhattan responds:

yeah hes the biggest gay

Good back story

I figured this would be terrible, but I found it to be really good. Since Jerry is never coming back, maybe continue the story of Jackie?

anyway good job

I'm not a sprite loving person...

...but! It was very faithful to the game, so I'm very glad that I did decide to watch this. it was very good quality, and portrayed the kirby universe so perfectly

9 stars because Its not perfect, but it came close to it

Good Movie

I noticed a tim hortons in the background which means you are Canadian! Which makes me wonder how you got booze from 7-11 instead of the beer store! (I dont care at all, Im just being a nit picking asshole ^^)

good movie, nice zombie drawings, and I have to go watch the previous ones

Merry Christmas! or happy holidays

madarkwasp responds:

Haha, yeah it's definately set in Canada, but I never really checked if 7=eleven had beer...eh, movies are bound to have some plot holes I guess.

Anyways, Merry Christmas!

why are you submitting this again?

its a really good intro, but to submit it two days in a row without deleting yesterday's submission or explaining why you submitted it twice is really quite misleading to viewers. So either you forgot to delete yesterday's submission, or your just pissed it didnt get the score you wanted so your trying again.

either way, bad form....

I'm glad this got frontpage

I really loved this movie, and that's saying a lot because I am usually the one to have no faith in sprite movies. I saw this right when it came out of judgement zone, and I saw it on screwattack too XD

Good job on frontpage, and I should prolly go check out your other animations...

J Hutton @Snow-Fox

Age 34, Female

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Toronto Canada

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